… was tide of iron. I mean it’s got little tanks in it, and tanks always win in a “tanks versus” conceptual battle (yes, yes, clearly not the case in less theoretical conflicts but just leave it be. leave it!). And if we’re including “evar” then it still goes to the fetishman tea cosy that heather kindly created last year (tea!)(ooh, tanks vs tea? who wins? I think this is similar to the contradiction that incited mine and Ahmer’s rant at the other night’s television where some science dude claimed that the nuclear force(‘s’ from a certain point of view) were ‘the strongest force in the universe’ which is clearly rubbish cos it depends what length scale you’re talking about – if the nuclear forces didn’t exist there’d be no atoms, if gravity didn’t exist there’d be no walking around the surface of the earth making outrageous claims that the strongest force in the universe is the nuclear force(s)).

ANYWAY. that said, “best present evar” (this year)(barring the awesomeness of tanks and tea) is the present my brother and his missus made me.



“Raptor Intolerant Boy”. genius.

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