Ah, a week later and I'm almost on top of my work again. All I can really say is MCM Expo was a damned (hehehe, still training this phone to my vocabulary, rather endearingly it just replaced damned with darned) good laugh.

"Why" say you? Well asked there! Well apart from:

– being wedged between Rich Johnston on my left and to my right Tony Lee and his art monkey Dan (not in a sexy way if I recall correctly) and within hollering distance of Chamonkee and Naniiebim;
– the lovely friendly crowd who often shared my liking for tea and smuttery;
– the charming comics creators who also shared my liking of tea and smuttery;
– mojitos;
– Alex;
– Templesmith's squid-girls;
– Letraset;
– blah.

Anyhoo, yes, apart from that I'd say I have no idea. Was probably the weather or something.





Posted via email from doctorgeof’s posterous

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