rare as it is, i thought i’d let you all in on a secret about my job – i work with idiots. the grating thing is that 3 of them have PhD’s, one is a professor, and another is applying for a professorship. The most hideous part is they only take information on board if you treat them like puppies. except puppies have a purpose.

cretin1 – we need to decide between A or B
me – did you get my email? the one where i demonstrated that B was clearly the best plan
(it was beautiful. it had a diagram. it stopped just short of writng GOOD and BAD next to the 2 possible plans in foot high neon letters. just.)
cretin1 – yes, but it’s not conclusive, we probably need to meet up with you and expert X
me – no, it is conclusive. it drew a conclusion. me and expert X demonstrated that B was clearly the best plan. meeting up with both of us won’t change the fact that B is the best plan.

better still was then explaining to a PhD computer scientist how the “image” on a monitor is originally sent from the PC via the graphics card.

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