whitby goth weekend stall done (it was ace! concrete proof you can actually sell comics to goths! i’m so going back! huzzah! and yes, i now owe you a review of both wgw and birmingham), just the leeds comics festival “thought bubble” to go. weeeeell that and a stall at club lash in manchester. no really! it’s going to be the height of awesome! mavis is refusing to dress up as a gimp but i’ve told him i’ll take a fetish-bullet for him if his vanilla-ness looks in danger from predatory fetish types. come along y’ big bastards:

club lash
friday 9th november, from 9:30pm – 2am

not free in

the tunnel 6 whitworth street

manchester, uk


thought bubble – leeds comic festival

Saturday 10th November 2007, from 10am – 5.30pm

£4 entry on the door, £3.50 in advance

the crypt of Leeds Town Hall, Leeds, West Yorkshire




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