Bristol, London and 'the brown issue'
Busy times, issue 11 is out, Bristol Expo was last weekend, London MCM expo is this one coming. Am i ready for it? AHAHA! nards.
Yeah, perhaps a brief review of events is in order.
Wednesday last week i collected the new issue 11 ‘the brown issue’ from the printers in york. It’s so pretty! Woo! Now the process of “making everyone have comics” can begin! Okay so maybe putting them for sale in the webshop would be an important step (shhh)
Last weekend was the Bristol Small-press Comic Expo, and after much frantic doing stuff me, Clare, Gareth (Mavis had a bad case of lurg and had to remain very still in Coventry) and a big stack of comics and posters and tiny “first tea company” ID cards rolled in to Bristol at about half ten on friday night and went to Sarah and Vicky’s to crash. And then stayed up ’til the wee small hours drinking tea and wine and chatting like we haven’t seen each other in about a year. If this shows anything it’s that Sarah and Vicky are lovely and that selling comics requires much less concentration than operating heavy machinery.
The expo was mighty fun: I caught up with people, sold out of one of me poster designs, ate Chamonkee’s sandwiches, picked up a copy of nanniebim’s latest mephistos, and enlisted far too many civilians into a fictional tea-related fighting force. Win! Clearly i now have to draw even more tea-related stuff but hey, it’s almost like i enjoy it.
stuff me or C and G picked up or jwas just plain lovely:
This coming weekend is the MCM expo in London if you fancy dropping round to say hello. Stuff is printed, bags are being packed, and yet more ranks have been added to the first tea company. I’ve got me 2 tables – 33 and 34 on the maps below (not 32-34, which was a typo of almost terrifying awesomeness … ) and this time I’m aiming to be awake and drawing and everything!
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