Well the next fetishman comic’s at the printer (the “lovely lovely printer” as I’m sure Mal and Jo would love to be collectively known) and thus i can catch up with everything else. All that needs saying for now is that i have a hunch the comic’s a good ‘un. Anyway, but right now i need to do get the whitby goth weekend prep under way. You can catch me and the stall as ever at the leisure centre – just friday and saturday again as taking the sunday off is a joy in itself – and fingers crossed we should have the new comic and some other classy stuffs.

the official stuffs: http://wgw.topmum.co.uk

more stuffs: http://www.darkdaisypromotions.co.uk/page_1260211526249.html

even more stuffs http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=112182408799977#!/event.php?eid=317466998235&ref=ts

leisure centre location: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=54.488071,-0.622833&num=1&t=h&sll=54.488314

also if you’ve got a mo and fancy doing me a favour my crazy science job needs you to do an online experiment. no pressure, but you know, not doing it would make my supervisor cry and that would be mean.




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