okay lads and lasses, a strange request/opportunity for a select few:
there’s a jeweller i know in york (so it’s partly a question of whether you can get to york easily enough) who is considering going into bespoke piercings, and as such he’s looking for male or female models with either genital or nipple piercing who would be happy to trim pubes and sport his stuff for a photographer, with a view to these going on show. His stuff is both elegant, on occasion witty, and utterly unique. If you’re interested drop us a reply, or contact the woman and get her to tell me.
x geof
the_fee_fairy raised a couple of good points regarding hygiene, so here is a little more detail:
i) he’s fully aware about the hygiene thing, but the metals he’s working with are expensive (22 carat gold and platinum etc.): therefore he’ll happily offer the model a discount on the jewellery, but if they don’t wish to take it he intends to melt the stuff down so at least he can reuse the raw materials.
ii) the offer is basically a set of high-quality prints, an invitation to the gallery show, and a discount on the jewellery if you choose to take it.
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