from whitby to bristol
I’m alive! I can barely believe it but i really am. So …
… there is an issue 9 out now (and this time the subscriber mail-out was like a well-lubed machine – the subscribers could probably still smell factory on their copies .. hopefully not lube … i may have to check)
… whitby goth weekend was a beauty (most comics sold yet, good company, fine booze, and my good lady either on my arm or at the very least gadding about whitby which isn’t ever too big to be far from it)
… there be shot glasses (so lovely! although demonstrating their shot delivering power at 11am on the saturday wgw stall probably was less than the mightiest plan)
… the exhibition is over in Sh! (boo) but was apparently a veritable hit (yay!)
… and i have just recovered from my annual death-cold (i shrug off a lot of them but once in a while one floors me … and then fills my face with goop … i’m sure there’s a metaphor there)
what next? well lots, but most importantly
on Saturday, the 9th of May at the Mercure Holland House hotel in the city of Bristol, UK.
With the main comic-con having to move to the Ramada in Bristol there wasn’t really room for the small press, but thanks to the awesome skill and power of Mal and Fallen Angel Media the small press expo is on! Just for one day, the saturday, but full to the seams with awesome:
free stuff? check
signings? check
draw-off? check
Doug Bradley? check
Kevin O’Neill? check
Mavis and Tim helping me out on the fetishman stall with the new issue 9 out and a fez? check
oh it’s going to be awesome.
laters my lovelies
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