The exhibition is up at “sh!” as we speak! a long weekend but it’ll be there ’til 11th April, all i need to do now is knock up a web flyer to bother people with and I’m away. I would highly recommend a gander if you can make it, it’s a bit rude and a bit Victorian and I’m rather chuffed with it.

CAAN are using a couple of the extreme porn cartoons in a handout they’re putting together for a workshop on Modern Liberty at the weekend.

Liberation – the London rubber-couture emporium” have some of the more recent cards in stock now.

London Fetish Fair is back next weekend in its new venue in Parker McMillan, EC1! should be awesome fun, and i as ever will be pimping comic stuffs (and after that should be getting some photos of the exhibition).

And there should be an exclusive fetishman 2-page strip in the next desire magazine – I’ll keep thee posted though. *EDIT* woohoo! yes, the upcoming issue 72!

… and i think that’s it for now …

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