and this year i wish to submit this to the hall of “meme’s are fundamentally a bit shite, but this one is just about forgiveable”

Oh Great Cthulhu!

I have been an extremely assiduous devotee this year.

In February, I prepared an ocean voyage to R’lyeh (200 points). In October, I legally changed my name to Randolph Carter (-40 points). In May, I recruited [info]theheatherfreak as a new cultist (30 points). In November, I fed [info]evildeadfish to a Shoggoth (250 points). In August, I visited my relatives in Innsmouth (100 points). Last week, I burnt my copy of the Necronomicon (-75 points).

In short, I have been very good (465 points) and deserve the honour of having my body used as a host for one of your servitors.

Your humble and obedient servant,

Submit your own plea to Cthulhu!

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