dear diary,
having uploaded a new comic to the website i can finally rest on my fortnight’s laurels:
– catching up with julian
– taking comics to the masses
(made a free comic for OK comics, with the last minute help of Wiiiiill *EDIT*and toby’s printer*/EDIT*)
– being invited to provide an exhibition for “the looooovre”
(aka the toilets in Coffee Cake and Kink. probably mid-december)
– taking science to the masses
(AIC annual conference)
– eating all the animals in africa (conclusion: “salty”)
– catching up with pat
– taking tea to the masses
(WGW queue to the pavillion , which i shamelessly enjoyed)
(my interaction with tea is quite possibly very, very wrong)
– taking smut to the masses
(Paul got the awesome flyer to my winged minions in time for whitby)
– getting red-carded at the WGW football. from the terraces.
– calling jen and sarah “winged minions” just now
– being challenged to a “tea off”
– being loved by the orange for 2 whole years! woot!
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