As you may well know, nay demand, i am currently toiling away at the fun-filled sack of pervy joy that is fetishman #3 “the filth” (due out at the end of this month). HOWEVER i just thought i should allay[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for news
Crikey blimey. A heady cocktail of “lack of sleep” infused with “comics writing psychosis” and topped off with “academic research madness” is a fascinating and productive aperitif to a week. Having not updated the website for a month (which now[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
issue 3 exists! it’s all back and white and grey and purdy and even taxi drivers like it (1 out of a sample of 1)! I shall try and get it to what i like to call “the shops” as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
… server’s now been swapped and redirects are in place. woo! well “woo”, in a techy way anyway cos it’s all been shifted and is shiny and so forth …
Yes! it’s true! the fetishman shop finally exists! Go! Go now! Hurry up and gorge your materialist urges on the fetishman produce before toby thinks he’d rather have a real job than mail stuff! woo! (nah, it’ll be there for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
yaaargh! LOVE ME footage so bad butthole RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! MONKEY ARE BELONG TO summer! an old friend of mine from created this bizarre thing that generates surrealist poetry from the rss feed of your blog, which i’m currently finding[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
okay lads and lasses, a strange request/opportunity for a select few: there’s a jeweller i know in york (so it’s partly a question of whether you can get to york easily enough) who is considering going into bespoke piercings, and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
generally i fill this journal with semi-comic related bollocks, but today i think you would all be delighted to hear about the new policy they’ve introduced at my work. In an effort to encourage us all to recycle, the management[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…